Comprehensive and accurate social media and Internet research can be a technological, legal and ethical challenge. Coburn’s Research Team has the background and know-how to skillfully navigate this ocean of information.
Social Networking Backgrounds can unearth if an individual or company appears on any Social Networking sites and also extract information found on the Internet, even if alias names are being used. This information is instantly collected and preserved in a detailed report. All time sensitive information is delivered immediately to you.
If information is found or your subject has an active social media site, we offer Social Network Monitoring which collects new activity at intervals you decree. This information is collected and placed in a detailed report. Again, any time sensitive information is delivered to you immediately.
These services provide our clients the ability to evaluate past, present and possible future activity on the part of the subject. Knowing this information allows a more comprehensive evaluation of the claim or potential claim.
If you already have a login, please complete the Investigative Referral Form or go to our Request Form page to request a login or download a form for services.
Our investigators recognize the importance of covert surveillance and employ a wide variety of ethical and legal investigative techniques to remain inconspicuous.
A dedicated specialty division, Coburn's Medical Department offers the most diverse and comprehensive worldwide medical history searches, medical record retrievals and medical inspections in the industry.
Our background checks include civil, criminal, work histories, address histories, driving histories, locates/Skip Tracing, business investigations, professional licensing, real estate/property, credit histories and much more.
Skillfully, legally, and ethically navigating the sea of social media and internet expanse is an art form that Coburn’s Research Team has mastered.
Coburn Investigative Agency, Inc. offers sensible, cost-efficient approaches to identifying, assessing, formulating, practical risk-management strategies to reduce and control your company's risks.